AURORA | Democratic state Sen. Morgan Carroll filed federal election forms Tuesday, making official her race for Colorado’s 6th Congressional District seat, currently held by Republican Mike Coffman. 

“The theme of the campaign is going to be about real results,” she told The Aurora Sentinel in an interview Monday. “Congress has been paralyzed. It’s a crisis of confidence to get anything done.”

New Senate President Morgan Carroll, D-Aurora, bangs the gavel during the opening of the 2014 session of the Colorado Legislature, at the Capitol, in Denver, Wednesday Jan. 8, 2014. Colorado Democrats began the 2014 legislative session with a tenuous grasp on the state Senate after two recalls over gun restrictions.  Democrats still control both chambers and the direction of the lawmaking term that opened Wednesday. (AP Photo/Brennan Linsley)

Carroll, 43,  said she would best describe herself as a populist, with a focus on how leaders in Washington, D.C., have not fixed middle-class issues such as soaring student loan debt, affordable healthcare, immigration reform and affordable higher-education opportunities. She said her campaign contrasts against Coffman’s tenure because given the choice to take the side of the average person or a big government or corporate interest, she has and always will side with the everyday residents in the district.

The campaign sounds similar to the one Andrew Romanoff mounted against Coffman in 2014 in a race that was predicted to be one of the country’s most-competitive races. Coffman won re-election over the former Colorado House Speaker last November after one of the most contentious and expensive House races in the country. Carroll said she expects this campaign to cost as much or more as both parties work to gain seats in Congress. So far, neither Carroll nor Coffman face primary opponents.

Carroll, however, said she has an advantage with voters in the district because she can call herself a longtime resident, whereas Romanoff was viewed as a Denver transplant.

“I feel like it matters to have roots in the district,” she said. “From the time I graduated high school, I’ve been in Aurora. Long before I was in any elected office, this is where home was for me.”

She pointed to her parents as inspiration for her campaign. Her father, John Carroll, served in the Colorado Legislature between 1964 and 1974, and championed bills to improve the lives of business employees and consumers. Her parents were lawyers focusing on disabled and civil rights cases, and she’s followed in their footsteps.

State Sen. Morgan Carroll, seen here July 6 at the Aurora Sentinel office, will be running for Congress. Photo by Gabriel Christus/Aurora Sentinel

Working her way up to leadership positions in the both the state House and Senate, she became Senate president as Democratic Majority Leader in 2013. Her career has focused on many measures protecting the rights of individual homeowners or residents at the expense of developers, homeowner associations, employers and government agencies. She said that mission has been her life’s work.

During an interview with The Aurora Sentinel, Carroll spoke extensively about caring for her father after he developed Parkinson’s when she was young — and later Alzheimer’s — and seeing firsthand how expensive medical care was and how a cumbersome U.S. system threw her family into financial straits. 

“I was seeing people I cared about struggle with things I know people in this district are facing, too,” she said.

She described growing up and having to pay her way through community college all the way to the University of Colorado Law School, working minimum-wage jobs — including time as a gas station attendant in Aurora — to get by. 

“It involved a lot of student debt and student loans,” she said of the experience, and for why she can relate to students today that have overwhelming amounts of debt to contend with after graduation.

She said her time in Aurora spent working as a labor and disability lawyer with her mother, Rebecca Bradley, taught her how to get things done and how to thrive in the legislative weeds. Carroll said seeking a seat in the state House was a natural extension of her fighting for the rights of those stepped on by their employers and government bureaucracy.

In her first year as an Aurora member of the state House, she refused the tradition of taking lobbyist cards during debate on the House floor, a cue for an impromptu, immediate meeting. That angered many long timers and legislative veterans, who insisted she wouldn’t last more than one term for taking on big-money sacred cows like developers and insurance, and bucking the system, she recalled.

Since then Carroll has seen a host of fierce legislative battles. She has worked on legislation that has regulated the way state homeowner’s associations operate in the state and played a critical role in passing gun control laws that mandated criminal background checks and limit on the size of ammunition magazines. Carroll has led a state fight to corral health insurance, developer and worker’s comp insurance industries. She said those battles would serve her well in a Congress defined by stalemate and controlling big interests. 

“I’m really proud of my record in a time when no one was sure anything could get done,” she said.

Carroll already has the support of high-profile D.C.-based organizations such as Emily’s List. She said that unlike Romanoff, who refused political action committee money in his race against Coffman, she would accept PAC money, like Coffman.

“I know who I’m fighting for. The people who give to me know what I am what I’m fighting for,” she said.

Carroll said she plans to launch a districtwide listening tour July 18 as a way to hone in on and better-understand residents concerns.

“It will remain a tough (race), but I think it’s a good year to run. I’m hoping to be able to do a really strong grassroots campaign,” she said.

Coffman was first elected to CD6 in 2008 after the retirement of former Rep. Tom Tancredo, and he has so far been able to hold onto the district after it was redrawn in 2011 to include most of Aurora, and many more Democrats. In addition to defeating Romanoff in 2014 by 9 percentage points, Coffman won over Democratic nominee Joe Miklosi by 2 percentage points in 2012.

Earlier this year, Coffman was heavily courted by state and national Republicans to challenge Democratic Sen. Michael Bennett for his Senate seat next year. Last month, Coffman, an Army and Marine veteran,  declined, saying he wanted to continue his work in the 6th Congressional District, focusing on issues affecting veterans and the military. A former state legislator, state treasurer and secretary of state, Coffman  has worked to soften his reputation for being a staunch conservative, which appealed to the majority of conservative constituents in his former district. During and after the last election, Coffman shunned party-line objections to some illegal immigrant reform concessions and sought to distance himself from hot-button federal issues such as gay rights and abortion rights. Coffman’s wife, Cynthia Coffman, was just last year elected Colorado attorney general. She was recently drawn into a state Republican Party quagmire over allegations that she and former 6th CD Congressman Tom Tancredo sought to blackmail state party chief Steve House to force him out. Cynthia Coffman has denied the claims, saying she discussed rumors of an alleged affair with House as a way to get his attention. All sides seek to scuttle the issue now.

Carroll, who is term-limited and plans to serve through the end of her term ending in 2016, said she is not worried about a tough battle with Coffman, and the inevitable barrage of attack ads likely to come with it.

“If (voters) like status quo, they are likely to back Mike Coffman,” she said of her opponent. “You’re not going to change anything if you’re afraid of taking on big fights. I’ve never shied away from big fights.”

Coffman’s political team has so far pegged Carroll as just another candidate in the Democratic Party’s machine.

“We know that Nancy Pelosi is dialing up prospective candidates, and we know that her political minions at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee are in full ramp-up as well,” Coffman’s spokesman Tyler Sandberg told The Colorado Statesman in March. “Whether or not this is the No. 1 race in America again, rest assured, we will be ready. Whomever it is that finds themselves on the ballot against Mike Coffman, they better lace their shoes real tight and be ready for the fight of a lifetime.”

 National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman  Zach Hunter echoed Sandberg’s response to Carroll entering the race. 

“With ultra-liberal Morgan Carroll officially in the race, it’s clear Democrats learned nothing from their 9 point loss there in 2014. Morgan Carroll is just another out of touch liberal that simply doesn’t match the district and voters will send her packing just like they did with Andrew Romanoff,” he said in a statement. 

Carroll also practices law for the law firm of Bachus & Schanker. She and her mother, Rebecca Bradley, owned their private practice for a decade, specializing in disability advocacy. Carroll’s longtime boyfriend, Mike Weissman, is running as a Democratic candidate for House District 36 in Aurora.

Early Tuesday morning, the Carroll campaign released their first video announcing her run for Congress.

YouTube video

Morgan Carroll for the 6th Congressional District

42 replies on “State Sen. Morgan Carroll makes official her battle against Mike Coffman for Aurora’s congressional seat”

  1. Although I question Coffman occasionally, I wouldn’t have this woman making any decisions for me.

      1. Will you quit tweeting and picking on gofastgo. He offers more info and stuff for others to check, than you do. Keep it up and we will send a cat to get you and your twseety. This is a serious problem, and will be a serious election. Next year should see remainder funding to complete VAMC, but we have too many veterans who needed that service, and it was not available yet. And while on that bit, were you one of those folks who cannot read, or feel you are too superior to obey the law. Fireworks, except for official city one at park, was ‘forbotten’. Yet the fireworks were exploding all over my part of Aurora, with our VA nursing home, our clinics, and patients being treated in facilities in Aurora, for PTS. If you like fireworks so much, join the military if you qualify, go through basic, get a uniform, and we can send you to middle east, where you can see and hear it up close and friendly. Then you and others might consider those who problems for having been there, in yours and my name. I don’t care if you or others believe we should not be. Our country and its leaders said we do, and that is within their pay grade. I only complain when they cut and run, and broadcast early, that they intend to.

          1. I do very well, thank you. Until I remember there are pest on the net, like the horseflies I had to kill, so horses or Mules would work., so many years ago. .

      2. And I am surprised at you after a civil exchange we had recently. I thought you would quit the cynical tweeting. It adds nothing to a discussion, and it drives other people away who we need registering, and voting. Two thirds of our eligible voters are not registering, or voting. and of those who did register, 4 million of one party, and 6 million of other, were registered an did not vote their ballot in 2014. I will let you search to find out which party lost 4 million votes, vs the other one. But we are stuck with game inept governor who cannot bring himself to make a decision, and president who never hesitates to use his pen and phone, and bypass congress, and trash them and supreme court.

        1. I’ll bet it was that inept governor setting off those fireworks. And just imagine, a president who uses his pen and phone. Whats this world coming too!

          It’s all these cynical tweetys frank. They’re out to pick on you and the brainfart, go fast blow. He does doesn’t he?

  2. Aurora veterans deserve better than Mike Coffman. He’s always complaining about the VA, but that’s all he does…complain, even though he’s been on the VA oversight committee, which was supposed to oversee projects like this. Did Coffman ask all of the contractors and VA to sit down together and work out the problems? No. Did he make any on-site visits, or form a fact finding commission? No. He just used the issue to score political points. While honoring Coffman’s service, I question his leadership abilities. Morgan Carroll has a proven record of working with bureaucracies, businesses, and citizens to solve tough problems. Her announcement is great news.

    1. Tyhpical union teacher. Write about subject you have no knowledge of, based on what MSM and Unions writes. Mike Coffman has occupied all the major Colorado Elected positions, except Governor, and Bill Owens had that position covered for 8 years. Mike was State Treasurer at that time, Then Secretary of State, until Tom Tancredo did not run for reelection, and he has very fully filled that position, and continues. I became involved with Veteran Issues (after 26 years service) returning to my home in Aurora in 1977. In 1991, I met with MG James Pennington at Fitzsimons Army Medical Center , at the Theatre, where he advised us of BRAC closing of military facilities, and of Clinton Administration dumping military on civilian healthcare, under insurance policies. He was advisor to President Clinton , and Congress (House and Senate) and advised them that USA tax-payers would refuse to pay for this program, in the future, when it got too expensive. We veterans (retired organizations) started lobbying State Officials and Federal Officials then to build new VAMC at Fitzsimons, since it had been treating military patients from 17 states, with regular air lifts into Buckiley AFB twice a week. That would be needed for VAMC service, and Denver facility was outmoded, undersized, and inefficient. Colorado Delegation came to support us, and Director of VAMC Denver, with Director of Colorado University went to Washington to sell that idea. Lowry closed 1994, Fitzsimons closed 1997, and we really became focused on need. CU moved, and VAMC is still at 9th and Colorado Boulevard, so doctors are shuttling between centers now, instead of walking across the street as before. ——————- With all the returning veterans (male and female) coming back from middle east, bombed, burned, with all kinds of problems, and with all the retired veterans and VA care for past injured veterans, the wait time and service is not what it should be at 9th and Colorado. Morgan Carroll will never convince me she knows any more about what we veterans need, than Andy Romanoff did last election. I like Andy, but he should stay in Denver, where he did a lot of good in balancing State legislation. Much better than the last 4 years. So I call on all Veterans and retired veterans and families to continue to support Mike Coffman. He is a veteran of Army, son of Army father, and also served as Marine Officer. He was recalled 3 times (?) to go to middle east to help them write Constitution, and set up government. Unfortunately, our president withdrew our troops too soon (after broadcasting he was going to from soon after his election in 2008) and we still have problems there now with ISIS.
      ———————-The reason Rep. Mike Coffman is leading the charge against VA is because they never used funds properly, and Congress never voted the needed funds to do the job in past years. He is representing our anger, frustration, and at 85 years of age, I don’t have much more time to fight for this. And teacher would be much more appreciated if she fought against Common Core. I taught in military, and attended school on GI bill after retiring, and can tell you that teaching leaves a lot to be desired under all the new procedures being sold to PC folks of today. Not good teaching methods, as I had t remind some of my instructors who tried brain washing us. We paid for our classes, and expected to get full value. Not ritual time wasting.

      1. Wow frank. That was riveting! No ritual time wasting for you, right? And frank. Watch those typical union teacher types. They’re out to wash your brains. On the other hand, maybe a little water on your brain might help. Cheers!

  3. All Morgan Carroll (aka Robin Hood) thinks about is how to grow government. So hang onto what’s left in your wallet … if you can! She’s to the left of Obama, if that’s possible.

    1. My wallet’s done very well since President Obama took office. Of course those of you who ignored the stock market after the sub prime collapse missed out and now complaint about the Affordable Care Act and taxes.

      Go Morgan Carroll.

      1. Hmmm … maybe Morgan will figure a way to take away some of your stock market profits.

      2. Keep your eye on China Stock Market, which is going down, down, down. USA will be following that soon. And for those with money invested in gold an silver, have you checked to see if you have a valid buy-back offer form who you bought. You have not seen what taxes will be charged on thatl, when you start spending it. All the other funds will have been tapped out.

        1. Whatever frank. Good to hear you keep your eye on the markets. That’s a good start.

    2. Her ancestry is from Ireland, not Nottingham. As for hanging on to your wallet, this is baseless as Colorado legislators don’t raise taxes. .

  4. Senator Morgan Carroll has a proven track record of fighting for her constituents. That cannot be said for Mike Coffman. Do any of you actually live in CD6? If so, and you are paying attention, you have seen Coffman vote repeatedly for the 1%’s agenda. He’s been a part of the current do-nothing Congress and shamelessly panders to those who would set the rights of the middle class back decades.

    1. owned in Aurora since 1963, and my children attended Wheeling grade school, walking across the railroad track that ran from Smith Road to Fitzsimns, , on what is now Potomac St (where they played in field behind my house and across those tracks into empty field on west side of creek. Caught horny toads, and garter snakes, sometimes finding a bull snake. Okay, Yes. I knew Aurora with Dan Schaffer, Tom Tancredo. Then redistricted to Pat Schroeder and Diana DeGette in Dist#01, to Dist #07, and back to Dist#06. House never moved, except in the wind, so I know what good representation is, and not so good. Knew in 1991, we would lose Lowry and Fitzsimonsw, after Pat Schroeder stuck pins in balloons in Washington. Texas with 27 Representatives, absolutely had clout under BRAC over Colorado, and they got even. We lost military, but Aurora gained economically. And that brought all the free-loaders who vote Democrat. I voted Independent until 2006, when I saw what was coming at us. And it was not a train headlight. Lot more stress, and cost to my retirement assets. Are you one of those newcomers, who does not know history of this part of Metro area?

      1. Imagine, Pat Schroeder sticking pins in balloons and all those free loaders who vote Democrat. I’ll tell yah frank. You need to keep an eye on these new comers and free loaders. It’s shocking!

        Go out and catch you some horny toads and snakes. Many happy returns.

        1. Since all you newcomers moved out here, it has been years since I saw a Rattlesnake, bullsnake, garter snake, horny toads, so guess the newcomers did not like the competition, and ate them. But never fear, more tax and spenders are headed this way to crowd you and others. And they are voracious eaters from the state and federal treasury.

          1. There is a difference in who put the money into federal and state treasuries. They are the ones who are supposed to get the money back with interest. Too many are rushing to get into USA and states, who did not put funds in, but are taking out. Like the illegal aliens, in Indiana who was reported on Indianapolis Television. They had a tax number, not SS, and took out thousands for support of nieces and nephews they were supporting. Kids all over Mexico, Central America, and South America, and had never even visited USA, let alone live here. Look it up. Also the prisoners across USA, in for long terms for major crimes with 3 hots and a cot furnished, and still collecting SS for handicaps and age, if over ages. Also all the false reporting to get refunds of Federal and State, on absolute lies. There is still fraud in Medicare, Medicaid, and other healthcare plans that Government is concerned with. And don’t forget the Federal Employees who are behind on Taxes
            owed, same as Legislators, such as Charlie Rangel. .

          2. A flawed synopsis to say the least frank. But far be it from me to attempt to dissuade or get into a pissing contest with one who’s mind closed years ago and is now hardening with age.


          3. Nothing flawed about what I wrote, And very current, proving my mind is still working, accumulating info, and processing it. Now with that said, I hope you watch the news very carefully in near future. —————————
            Prediction on net today that Stock Market will decrease 50% in near future. Real Estate will decrease 40%, and Unemployment will triple. If unemployment triples, look at how many more will feed at the public trough (for next two years since they can make more unemployed, hen working. And I suppose you have noted, increase in homicides in our major cities. Milwaukee had 30 murdered by this time last year, 80 this year. And you did note that Chicago had 9 killed and 41 injured over 2 day Fourth of July. Coming to your street, and your part of town. Be ready.

          4. Yes you are current, accumulating information and processing it. My compliments.

            I simply do not agree with you. Stock market predictions are a dime a dozen with a new version offered almost daily by some prognosticator out to make a buck peddling their opinions. I’m hardly worried.

            In this instant information age we are bombarded with negative news. So what? If I sat around letting this stuff bum me out what good would that do? Iife is good. Go Hillary in 2016. Cheers.

          5. I agree with that. See stock market info when computer is booting up. Don’t own any stock, and do not keep track of any individual companies. Am interested in the real estate part, since I had $80,000 drop in equity value of my home, and it is my insurance policy if I need to go into nursing home later. I do have savings and checking, but we can already see how useful that is by Greece. Only real difference between photos of 1929 and Greece, with banks, is 1929 photos were black and white. I was born in November, after the October 29 crash, so I did not cause that.
            These days, with bad knees (cartilage missing and pain, bad eyesight, hearing not what it used to be, I own the most decked out car I ever owned, but now only drive locally, and am home most of the time. 2 computers,, with 2 hard drives in one, factory HD and other, son who is computer/technician/engineer for major company who lives with me to keep them working and all the crap removed, I use them to stay in touch with legislators I used to work with and to keep in touch with the world.
            ——At retirement I had learned to work different keyboards, standing up, sitting, order wire tape cutter, and could type without errors. After retirement, I had to take typing class at Pitkin Community College, since I had not been timed before. At end of 1st 1 minute test, two beginning students sitting next to me, turned and brother said “How dam fast can you type? Carol Bublitz was the Director over Business – Accounting, spoke up (had known of my military and following history, but needed to document ) spoke up
            and said “Disgusting, isn’t it” ? With that time, I was then placed in advanced class, where on a 5 minute test, I typed at 120 words a minute, without error.
            ——————–That ended my typing classes, all documented, and I moved on, gaining my Associate Degree in Accounting – digital. Not bragging. Just I was there, I did it, and now all I can do is look back on a full career. I try to just get people to react, not argue with me. I state my opinions, expect reply to be same, but we can both learn from each other. New ideas, new thoughts, and new items to research. I don’t appreciate the tweeting with 140 digits max. Non one learns anything much with that.
            ——————By the way, I used to love being on open road, and Willie Nelson song “On the road again” was the disc wife and always left town playing. 44 states of 50. Depending on weather set my days drive.

          6. We share an interest in music. Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash ect ect. Actually enjoy country, jazz, rock, classical, folk and bluegrass. Anyhow.

            I admire your typing skills. I was never much good at typing. Even now I struggle. Like you I have an associate degree in business and a bachelor in business administration.

            I served four years US Air Force 65 to 69 and retired from the US Department of Defense. I was an operations accountant in the Air Force accounting unit.

            I’ve been fortunate with my health but have worked hard to maintain it. I empathize with your struggles with bad knees. My late wife had both knees replaced and did well until she died of cancer a few years later. At 74 I’m pretty lucky with the eye situation although I do wear hearing aids which work very well. Can still hike and do often.

            Recently purchased a Corvette which I’m able to get in and out of well. It has been a life long dream to own a Corvette and yours truly is a kid again. I love driving my Corvette. It sizzles on the road and handles like a dream. I highly recommend them. They are great autos for the money.

            Yes! I agree. We all have much to learn from one another and forums like this one help in my opinion. I’ve had many interesting conversation with others like yourself with views different than my own. To my delight we did learn from one another just as you and I are doing now.

            I would say keep the faith my friend. Have a great day. I’m off to hit the road in my Vette for a couple of hours. Cheers.

          7. Thank you for reply.
            Until 2008, I was doing pretty good about watching health and traveling where and when I wanted. That summer Doctor found some atrial fibrillations in heart, and referred to cardiologist. Had EKG at both providers, and started treatments. In Sept, both Col. Bill Cozad (90) (NAUS Chap#01 President) and Co. Rio Lucas (85) (NAUS Chap#03) President died. I was Secretary for both chapters, and very active in UVC (over 50 veteran organizations in Colorado – see website) At that point I continued as Secretary and became President of both chapters, as our membership dwindled. Veterans and retirees now, do not join anything, and do not get involved. I knew I felt tired, but still was not too concerned. In 2009, I had two cardio-versions (asleep for about 5 minutes at Hospital on Potomac, heart stopped by shock, restarted, and prescriptions changed. Had another episode in 2011, and manageable now. Need to lose more weight (40 lbs. heavier now than in 1976 when I retired)
            So I stay pretty close to home, since there are days when combination of my prescriptions, liquids, food, and stress make be very happy to be with 20 feet of my bathroom. Social affairs are out, but I don’t have to spend money on home security. —–Could not believe all the non-lawful fireworks on 3rd and 4th though, with returning military with PTS in Aurora area. No respect shown there..

          8. Sorry for the late response Frank. Am in the process of home remodeling.

            Sorry to hear of your health issues. My wife suffered from atrial fibrillation along with COPD which eventually became lung cancer and took her life. I empathize with you on the cardio versions. My wife Liz had many of those for her A fib. She also had surgery which helped but did not do the trick completely.

            Your involvement with the veterans organizations is commendable. I was a volunteer for the American Red Cross for many years. I drove seniors to and from medical appointments in the Denver area. I drove quite a few vets to the VA hospital. I have to say they were good guys uncomplaining and appreciative for our service. I tend to agree with you about the lack of proper health care for many vets.

            Hopefully you will find a way to lose the extra weight and will be able to get around better. I have always believed in diet and exercise. I’m very religious about keeping my weight within limits and keep close tabs on my health. The years of strenuous exercise as a younger man are paying off now that I’m in my senior years.

            Anyhow hope it all works out for you as we both live out our golden years as they say. Have a great day and take care.

    2. Carroll’s constituents are mainly those on the government dole. The top one per centers are well represented by conservative think tanks like the Independent Institute and foundations such as the Arnold Foundation and the Koch brothers. The 50% of working age adults actually holding a job and paying taxes are targeted by politicians like Morgan Carroll.

  5. Morgan is a great person and has always supported the people of her district. Her work has led to many improvements for everyone in Aurora and for Buckley AFB. Having had the privilege of working with her in her district I can say she does care about all she represents. She will care for all of CD-6, not like her opponent who does not and that includes the veterans he is supposed to be the oversight on the overpriced hospital.

    1. She cared so much about me that she voted to suppress my natural rights. Carroll is a statist stooge.

  6. Sounds like Ms Carroll really cares.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
    C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

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