AURORA | Aurora Public Schools is asking community members to complete a survey giving feedback on two new taglines and logos the district is considering for adoption.

APS entered into a $200,000 contract with Denver-based firm Mission Minded last fall to develop a new logo and tagline that will be rolled out in the upcoming school year, replacing the current logo from 2007.

The rebrand is part of helping the APS establish a stronger visual identity, district spokesperson Corey Christiansen told The Sentinel in April.

“Over the last several months, we have been analyzing community input and working with a nationally recognized branding firm, Mission Minded, to create a brand that truly reflects who we are as a district,” the district said on its website. “The goal is to better communicate the strengths of our students, staff, families and community.” 

The brief survey can be taken online in English and Spanish through May 22 at

In the survey, respondents are asked to share their preference of two new logos and the taglines “shape your story” and “power your potential” and which of each they believe best represents the district’s goal “to be known for working with our community to break down barriers so that all students can thrive in a global society.”

One reply on “Aurora Public Schools looking for feedback on rebrand”

  1. I choose to keep the existing monochrome logo, signage, and whatever slogan has been assigned. I choose to save the many millions of dollars we taxpayers will pay for changing the signage, business cards, stationery, websites, etc. The last time there was a logo change, there was little attrition. Everything old had to be immediately discarded and replaced with the new. This ensures rapid spending consumption. Do not be fooled by the lack of statement of the costs of this initiative. Spend the money on measurable student learning instead. This whole thing is about making a few high level administrators feel good, and has nothing to do with the mission of the schools.

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