The most heartbreaking part of the Charleston church mass shooting is that it will not be the tragedy that finally compels America to do something.

In fact, it’s unlikely even the next time some cruel, deranged ass with a gun murderers a crowd of innocents that Americans will finally rise up and work to end these repugnant mass slayings.

The president, thousands of state legislators and hundreds of wimpy congressmen were too afraid to stand up to the NRA, or seriously find ways to stop crazy people from killing us, after an armed nutcase murdered 20 little boys and girls and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In July of 2012, President Barack Obama said “enough is enough” after James Holmes murdered 12 people and wounded 70 more right here in Aurora inside a movie theater.

It wasn’t enough.

It was a movie theater. It was an elementary school. They were little kids. They were young people out for a night at the movies.

Obama and nervous state and federal lawmakers caved at the mere mention of gun control laws after the NRA made it clear they would politically annihilate anyone — anyone — who dared to cross them in their bullying demand that gun controls in this country be drawn back, not increased.

The calls will be the same as it was in Aurora and Sandy Hook: It’s too soon to talk about this. No. Can’t you see that once again it was too late?

The gun-ta-vists will say that I and other others like me are exploiting this tragedy. No. It was the exploitation of America’s lack of gun control and everything else wrong here that led to another nine people being gunned down.

Right here in Colorado, gun nuts stewarded the recall of two Democrats who dared to stand up to the NRA and Second Amendment extremists. They had the nerve to help pass two fainthearted attempts at gun control in the shadow of Sandy Hook and the Aurora theater shooting trial. One 2013 bill required people who buy guns from private parties to pass background checks — the same requirement for them to purchase guns in stores. The other requirement limited the size of rapid-fire ammo magazines to 15 rounds or less. Gunners want about 50 rounds they can peel off against a vicious elk or mouthy ne’er-do-well that gets weird on their lawn.

If the country’s cowardly politicians won’t act against the NRA when gunners murderer little children in school or innocent folks out for night in a cinema, what are the odds they’ll get brave after nine people are gunned down in a church?

Ain’t gonna happen. Not yet.

“What kind of person goes in a church and shoots nine people? There’s a sickness in our country. There’s something terribly wrong, but it isn’t going to be fixed by your government,” Kentucky senator and presidential hopeful Rand Paul said today.

What a fool. Who will then? The Boy Scouts? The Catholics or the Mormons? Walmart?

The government is the only way to fix this. The government is “us.” The murderers are “them.”

I’m horrified at the thought of what it will take before state and congressional legislators finally push back against the NRA and other gun groups. I’m sickened by the thought of what type of agonizing murder spree will finally embolden politicians afraid of NRA money and influence to finally lean in and say, we can have gun rights and controls at the same time. Germany does. England does. Japan does. Practically the whole developed world does. But not us.

We have endless mass murders like this one. Like Aurora. Like Sandy Hook. We have endless tragedy after tragedy because a small, noisy minority of people and whole lot of Americans who just don’t give a damn think limitless gun rights are worth the lives of those nine Americans gunned down this week at church. The right to get military-grade weapons and an arsenal of ammo fast and easy is so much more important than the lives of 20 little kids in Connecticut, or the hundreds of Americans who will be murdered during the next killing sprees.

Almost every day for the last two months, I have watched the trial of the Aurora theater shooting and am horrified at how easy we made it for James Holmes to murder and maim here, and how there were so many people who saw so many signs that the July 20, 2012, rampage was on its way.

Almost every day, I cringe and have to step away from the stories of the dead and wounded. Just one of those lost lives was more than enough to convince me that doing nothing and waiting for the next mass murder is not an answer. And all the lives ripped apart and destroyed by Holmes have made me certain that we won’t find a perfect solution, but if we stand up to the NRA and others, we can find a way to stop freaks from killing other people in churches, schools and movie theaters.

But being afraid of the wrong bad guys isn’t going to save anyone. Fight back and demand your congressmen, your assemblymen stand up against the NRA or get out of the way so someone with enough courage can.

95 replies on “PERRY: Charleston slayings not enough to break Congress free of NRA control”

    1. Huh? What the hell is that. Looks like a big-haired woman doing a pole dance in a pit of fire. (Oh, and ‘liberal’s’ is possessive form. You need to edit out the apostrophe to make it ‘liberals’, as in plural liberals.)

  1. “It was a movie theater. It was an elementary school. They were little kids. They were young people out for a night at the movies.”
    And all in “gun free” zones.

    1. Guess you want to arm teachers. Cool. That teacher who killed a student who pissed him off last week would love that.

      1. So you think public teachers are murders? Why are we letting them watch our kids? You know there is nothing stopping them right now from bringing a gun to school to fulfill their murderous fantasies. Perhaps we can find a way to not have murderers watch our children other than take away the rights of everyone.

          1. How many of those teachers, male and female go to range and fire weapons for fun, and practice? Any idea? Or are you assuming they don’t know any more about guns, then too many not know how to teach to students needs. Unions demand they teach to the slowest, dumbest in class, is why so many drop out. Or their parents don’t care if they never learn, so they drop out, to hang out. Do you prefer that?

      2. Why not? My teachers in 1941 with reserve commissions departed to WAR. Mr. Snide Principal at Roseville HS, Ohio went, leaving Mr. Bonar, Asst. Prin. to run school for my Freshman and part of Sophomore year. Even some of the Junior and Senior aged boys, either lied or was of age, and they departed. I would imagine some of them (survivors) came back to teach, and I would have no fear of them carrying concealed. After my 26 years, annual checkups and training, I believe I could also carry concealed. And I would not need young punk telling me, for excessive fee, that I knew how to use small arms weapons. Even the one fired from our carbine that went “boom” at end of travel. And I fired expert at my first range experience at Lackland AFB, in basic. Farm boys who learned with 22 caliber single shot rifles, always seemed to hit the target.

  2. “NRA made it clear”
    It is actually a huge number (majority) of American citizens who want to retain their natural rights. The ~4 million voluntary paying members of the NRA is just a fraction of the individuals who want to retain their rights.

    1. Nobody is taking away your rights. I wish they would, but that ain’t happening. I think you folks have won the gun war and we’ll continue to slaughter ourselves as a result.

          1. Wake up.

            “Evil always wins through the strength of its splendid dupes; and there has in all ages been a disastrous alliance between abnormal innocence and abnormal sin.”
            ― G.K. Chesterton, Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State

            YouTube video
    1. Now here I agree with you. Congress in the hands of the extreme right has been an unmitigated failure and the public knows it. I’m totally with you there!

      1. LOL! The republicans are demoncrat-light. If you think they are “right” you need to take down those posters of Stalin in lingere.

  3. “we can find a way to stop freaks from killing other people in churches, schools and movie theaters.”
    1) Make the choice to defend yourself from those who mean you harm. 2) Carry the means for that defense.

    Despite what this writer and progressive liberals think, people are not born helpless sheep. That is a choice.

    1. Doesn’t seem like 300,000,000+ guns in the hands of ordinary Americans is doing much good. I have yet to read dozens of news stories of good patriotic Americans taking the law into their own hands and killing one evil-doer after another. More likely, I’m reading about accidental tragic incidents where little kids get their hands on the guns of these good patriotic Americans and killing other kids, their mothers, even their patriotic dads.

      1. Amen. In my opinion the so called “good guy with a gun” is probably more problematic in a confrontational situation involving firearms. I’ll take my chances as a “helpless sheep” and remain gun free. This concealed carry mindset is a little paranoid in my opinion.

      2. “Doesn’t seem like 300,000,000+ guns in the hands of ordinary Americans is doing much good.”

        You have a 0.0001% chance of being killed by a firearm (based on the firearm death/population ratio), and murder rates overall regardless of method are at historic lows, per FBI crime reports. Apparently the proliferation of firearms isn’t leading to correlated increases in the murder rate, as current firearm deaths are exceeded by alcohol-related deaths by a 2.75-1 margin, per the CDC.

        I realize this empirical data doesn’t square with the propaganda you’re consuming, but that’s the breaks.

        1. 0.0001% chance, huh? Tell that to the family of the girl north of Denver who was killed by her friend’s gun-toting daddy who thought she was a burglar when in fact she was coming over to surprise her best friend (Daddy’s daughter). One’s perspective has a way of changing when some moron who thinks they know how to handle guns accidentally blows away someone you love. You didn’t address that part of my argument because there’s no way to address it. There are a lot of morons out there right now packing heat. I’m glad you feel safer. I definitely don’t. OK, I’m outta here.

          1. “You didn’t address that part of my argument because there’s no way to address it.”

            You’re right, there’s no way to address your emotion-driven stance because you’re bound and determine to not let the facts get in the way of your confirmation biases. One’s perspective also has a way of changing when some moron who thinks they know how to handle their liquor accidentally kills someone in a drunk driving accident or beats a relative to death. But you obviously feel that something that empirically kills fewer people is a greater danger to society. I guess public safety doesn’t mean as much when it comes to something you actually like, because MUH FEELZ.

          2. And since you seem to love emotion-driven arguments in this case, here’s a story of six people who won’t get to see their loved ones again because some moron with a prior DUI conviction was allowed to buy alcohol and get back on the road. There’s no reason to take seriously any of your, or Dave Perry’s, ginned-up hysteria seriously in the face of such ridiculous special pleading and deliberate ignorance of the data.


  4. “Almost every day, I cringe and have to step away from the stories of the dead and wounded. ”
    Most gun crime occurs in progressive liberal cities with strict gun laws. Liberalism is a mental disorder and democrats are the party of death.

          1. Yeah, I’m sure a city that kept the same hard-left Democrat mayor in office to ten terms over 4 decades is going to suddenly shift 180 degrees and elect a cuckservative Republican.

          2. God, I hope not. Not after the mass murder of nine people by a kid who was connected to far right-wing interests who contributed to many Republican candidates in recent years. Charlestonians would never be that stupid.

          1. It proved that your sarcastic comment about Charleston’s political environment had no connection to reality and now you’re resorting to non sequiturs in an attempt to save face.

          2. No. You’re absolutely right. Charleston is a liberal town in an extremely conservative state. The kid didn’t represent ‘progressive’ values. He wasn’t even from the town. Get it now?

          3. Get what, that your stultified tribalistic instincts overcame whatever logic or reason you might possess in a lame effort to “win” an internet argument?

        1. And the other City officials are of same stripe. Mosely ordered the police to put pressure on the drug dealers, and Freddie Grey was a notorious drug dealer, arrested many times. So he had reason to run, when he realized the police knew him with eye contact. Also whoever leaked the autopsy report has to almost have to be within the office staff where it was done and printed. Really did public a favor, since it removes the police as subjects, for making the arrest. His injury seems to have occurred between 2nd and 3d stop of police van, when he should have been laying on his stomach, with legs shackled and handcuffed. His standing up, was voluntary on his part, so is his fault since he could feel vehicle moving. Or that is my opinion, after reading what was released. Mosley jumped the gun, and proved her inept, not yet qualified for such a position. But fits right in with rest of Baltimore leadership (which is not good).

      1. Yes. Check out their city government.

        The first gun laws in this country were created to keep guns out of the hands of blacks. I guess it worked in the democratic city of Charleston. I hope someday minorities will wake up and realize the death and destruction that progressives have brought them.

        1. Those progressives! Just like that young “progressive” who killed those nine people last week was apparently also affiliated with a white supremacist far right wing group that has already given thousands of dollars to at least three GOP presidential candidates.

          1. And if you check Southern Law Group, you will find the taking down talk of that flag, has the White Supremists recruiting and rising again. In his manifesto that made net couple days ago, he never mentioned any group. Just his opinions in over 2000 words, and actually well organized and written. No insanity there. Just his opinion, and think you can find many others with those same opinions. Will not go out and kill, but want to see this administration GONE, GONE, GONE and the sooner the better.

    1. Cities are a poor metric..Look at states.

      Gun murders per 100,000. Top ten states

      1. Louisiana – Strong Red State
      2. Missouri – Red State
      3. Maryland – Blue State
      4. South Carolina – Strong Red State
      5. Delaware – Blue State
      6. Michigan – Strong Red State
      7. Mississippi – Strong Red State
      8. Florida – Strong Red State
      9. Georgia – Strong Red State
      10. Arizona – Strong Red State

      SOURCE: US Census Bureau. The murder rates and gun murder rates were calculated based on the FBI reports and the official population of each state for 2010.

      1. States are the poor metric. Gun crime occurs in Detroit not the UP. It also occurs on NOLA, St. Louis and Baltimore. Who is running those cities? Btw crime has decreased since Detroit started letting people exercise their natural rights.

      2. Retiree: Will point out to you that he referred to cities. States are not cities, though they may have some cities within their border. Know you know that too, but you jumped his case too quick. Check all the coastal cities, where most of our military bases are, with all the civil service employees who have multiple unions, besides having civil service regulations, which now are more of a union, than a labor employee program. They vote the liberal-progressive tickets, and heavily overload rest of country for the national vote. Reason we have to keep Electoral Congress, to have any say at all. If it was popular vote, there would never be anyone but the one party in President, Congress, and they of course pick the Supreme Court. Rest of us would serfs again, like in Europe. Names have changed, but reality has not. Constant wars there also between all those countries.

  5. Newspapers are supposed to be “fair and balanced”. Dave Perry’s “fine whine” about guns is a joke. The Charleston “goblin” had time to reload his weapon multiple times because there was no one present who was armed to stop him. The slain pastor of the church had even voted against concealed carry in his role as a lawmaker in the state capitol. South Carolina state law prohibits concealed carry in a place of worship without the consent of church officials, which would clearly never be granted by the leaders of this parish.

    1. John, you are so wrong. There was never a vote against concealed carry.
      But even if there was, and the pastor voted for it, was this a reason that
      he should be murdered? How crass on your part.

      1. Had Obama and the gun-grabbers not politicized the tragedy I would not bring up the issue of guns. They did. And so did I!

          1. Why is the Second Amendment the only civil right liberals think we don’t need any more?

          2. Why do you ask? You sound paranoid. How could anyone think the President “politicized” this tragedy other than someone like yourself whining about his 2nd amendment rights.

            Again. Do you sleep with your guns?

  6. A horrible event, but, guns do not kill people, people kill people. The NRA is protecting your rights to own a firearm, nothing more. You make it sound like they condone events such as these, they, of course, do NOT.

    1. Seems to me that a gun in the hand of a person is required for killing to happen. Take 200,000 people. Put 100,000 on an island with no guns. Put the other 100,000 on an island and give each of them a gun. Wait for a couple of years. Then take a count of the number of deaths by gunfire.

      1. Dave does not realize it is people just like him who are killing with guns, knives, poison, or whatever is at hand. Like him, that young man developed hatred from MSM, what his peers told him, and being liberal, he used drugs that he could acquire – reason he was arrested, then banned from that mall. Dave likes to think he was deranged, but he is just like so many other young people out there taking advantage of liberal views that drugs only effect the person using them, so don’t put any restrictions on them by law, or society. No, it’s my body, and I can do what I want with it. Is that not the progressive refrain used by women with abortions, birth control, and young men with pot, morphine, opium, and others I won’t try to list. (by the way: Search for ‘Life Science-Pot’ and find all of those drugs I did list, are indicated there as effecting same pleasure part of brain – and Pot seems to be gateway’) Not my words. But from the Scientists. Also list where testing is being done in other countries, and even here in a few hospitals where they wade through obstructions. Reason FDA and Government still has not given okay to POT. Again not my words. So, Dave that young fellow was not deranged. he just believes what he believes while you bleat about your beliefs. NOT MINE BY THE WAY.

        1. So frank. Given all you’re “bleating” around the bush, can we assume you are a bit deranged thinking Dylan Roof is not a murderous racist but a pot head gone wrong?

          1. Did you read his manifesto? More coherent then many of your remarks on other subjects. And even better than some of the college trained bachelor degrees of young officers, whose writing I had to correct. Had to be diplomatic, since they seemed to think theirs was copywriter and protected. Could do editing to Majors and higher, with less effort. ———When I first saw that bowl cut, with eyes looking out from under it, I thought he was our typical HS graduate who could not read or write. Especially with Common Core, and Ebonics project of past few years. So what do you think, if you read that?—————And you really should have read all of my statements on this, so you would not have asked that question?

          2. Sorry frank. In my opinion you are transparently bigoted. You constantly whine about our youth using asinine stereotypical terms like, “our typical high school graduate who could not read or write”. You wouldn’t know a typical high school graduate from left field. Take a hike!

            Who cares who’s writing you corrected or edited. You should consider editing your own, to borrow one of your stodgy phrases, “crap”.

            Give me a break.

          3. Kept wondering why you chose your user name. You really don’t seem to fit the ryecatcher program out of Tennessee for young folks, using modern communications.
            And you don’t seem to resemble what I learned years ago about J. D. Salinger and his Catcher in the Rye.
            And somehow, I thought I remembered a small bird, similar to sparrow, called a ryecatcher, but when I searched for that, it referred me to Tit Bird. Don’t quite get that one, but must be a connection somehow?
            So, guess I will just let it go, and wonder about it at times. I do a lot of that, rather more fulfilling than considering my navel. Have a good day, and summer.

          4. A penny for your thoughts. Nicely done Frank. I am definitely a Salinger fan and have read the Catcher three times in the course of my life. Holden rubbed off on me a bit you might say.

            But like you, I prefer to move on rather than ponder my navel. It keeps me alive and interested. At age 74 I feel pretty good and grateful for my good health.

            You have a good day and summer also.

  7. Dave bleats the same crap every time something shows up on national or international news. With instant communications. He falls in with Washington crowd of gun control, but like others have pointed out, more folks are killed in the coastal cities, then out here in fly-over country. And that is by people killing others of same race, color, religion, and in larger numbers. President and DOJ don’t react to those, and don’t even hear or read their names, since they never refer to them in their speeches. And they -and others- are quick to say they snapped, are deranged, or some other word that would separate them from the death. But those killers are no more deranged than their victims. Just have different opinions, and decide to do something about it. We could rationalize that this young man, thought if he (1 person) took out 9 others, and others would follow his lead, soon the problem would be solved. Do I have that about right. He even spared the one, to tell what happened. I would say that is sane, thoughtful and even kind for that person. I may be wrong, but don’t think so. So Dave, instead of blindly jumping on Liberal thought for stuff that effects more than just that one individual, try to think of liberal that improves quality of life for all. That was the liberal thought of our colonists.

    1. As usual, you have that “about right” frank. Could you expound on those “liberal colonists” more? You don’t suppose they were for gun control do you?

      Yes indeedy frank. Those of us here in “flyover country” need a good liberal to “improve quality of life for all”.

      1. And I would agree to that if our liberal of today, was like the ones who wrote Constitution and Bill of Rights. If those of today, put as much thought, and education as Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, and the others on that document, we would not have spent 6-8 trillion in past 6 years that cannot be accounted for. And their results were a lot more difficult then, with Tories and Whigs to contend with. Especially with having to contend with hunters, mountain men, plantation owners, farmers, and all very much dispersed, with long rides by horseback, buggies, walking or canoes to come together. They came together, did their job, and went back to colony-area-occupation, and let the President operate within the framework they wrote, depending on lawyers and contacts to inform them, if they needed to get decision from Supreme Court. YEAH. You betcha, I would like to see some like that. Or see a Gen. Patton to run Defense Department, with return of a Ronald Reagan President. I can think of more I would like to see a clone of.
        Edit follows: By the way, they definitely believed in gun control. Using two hands to steady and hit the target or mark. Same for using a whip, as one legislator did in session, or a duel to cut out the name calling. Something about having to back up what you say, makes a person a bit more cautious of what they say.

        1. Dazzling frank! If only the liberals of today were more like Jefferson and Madison, Patton ran DOD and Ronny were back at the helm, all our troubles would go away. Simply dazzling!

          You certainly have a gift for simplicity that’s for sure. Tories and Whigs. You don’t say!

          1. I don’t remember the names I mentioned leaving us with the tax burden, the last 6 years have? Not even considering the financial ratios of then, versus now. And just what do you think will be retained or prove right in next administrations? We will have the taxes, and the debt, and so will the students, with their loans that will keep them chained for whole lives.

          2. Oh! The “typical high school graduates who cannot read and write” are now college students. You’re making progress frank or will you regress and claim our typical college graduates cannot read or write. It would not surprise me actually.

            The rest of your comment is your opinion and nothing more. Cheers.

          3. Of course it is my opinion. What else shows up on this thread but opinions, twisted, or even if some is documented? You really don’t think anyone is going to achieve any of this for eternity, do you? And that question also goes to all others on this thread.

          4. This one was beyond HS graduate level in organization of writing, and thoughts. Wonder if that was in spite of teacher, or did he have some good ones, not union focused.

          5. You are good at criticizing, but just what do you stand for? What yanks your crank, in other words? Two events that stood out with me in History of Patton, was his drive to the Bulge, in the most miserable cold, freezing, time of the year, that kept the fight against Germany from collapsing? I have had luxury of knowing several survivors of that Battle, one is Nurse who was at Battle of Bulge, now in NH in Colorado with average assistance. Several who were soldiers during that time, and many in Ohio during my youth, who came back home after WWII. They sung the praises of Gen. Patton to their dying days, and reminded their families.
            The other is story of reporters writing of fights, before they occurred. Patton called them all into a building, gave them a briefing of upcoming hot battle, then informed them if they wrote a word of that, and it got past the army censors, and appeared in print or radio anywhere, HE WOULD PERSONALLY STAND THEM UP, AND SHOOT THEM HIMSELF. We needed that in middle east, with JAG officers (lawyers) enforcing ROE, that got our men and women killed and injured. The very idea of “Mother, May I” when it comes to returning fire, when fired upon should stink every Americans nose. War is hell, no matter how fought, and when you go to war, go to win by fastest, most violent means. Don’t dawdle around playing games. —————And never, ever tell the enemy when you plan to pull back, or depart the area. As Ronald Reagan said, Let Russians go to bed, wondering what we will do, and when. And if Patton was running the military, the President would not be messing with them. I know what a Cold War is like since I served between Korea and Vietnam, doing without, but still having missions and duties to perform.

          6. Patton “yanks my crank for one”. I’ve seen the movie a dozen times and never weary of seeing it again. George C Scott does a marvelous job of portraying the great General Patton. You are absolutely right about his drive to save those brave men surrounded in the Bulge.

            Don’t get me wrong. I share your fondness for history and love this country as you do. Yes, I am critical. We all are in our own ways. It’s called a difference of opinion and there in lies the rub.

            Isn’t it grand you and I can argue and snipe expressing our likes and dislikes freely. Right or wrong our Constitution prevails and has guided us for nearly 250 years. From Washington and Lincoln to FDR and Reagan. Political parties ideals and governing principles come and go yet amidst the turmoil we seem to find our way every time.

            Republicans Democrats will continue to argue and disagree long after you and I have departed the premises and a new generation will replace us. God only knows what lies ahead. I would love to be able to see what the world will be like 100 years from now.

            We probably have more in common than you think. I’m a Viet Nam vet US Air Fprce 1965 to 69. I’m widowed but have three great kids “who can read and write quite well” and three grand kids who are the love of my life. Life is good Frank. Take care.

          7. I did not say I wanted or expected them to come back. I DEFINITELY REFERRED TO CLONES. I have to ask myself, why Satan (Devil) (anti-Christ) made so dam many clones in the Progressive-Liberal mode of today. Does that clear it up for you and others? Certainly hope so. And Supreme Court decision today flys in face of reading specific words, and not opinions in court on emotion, or their beliefs. Madison, Jefferson, Franklin and others have to be rolling over in their graves today. Also prior court justices.

          8. Just completed reading that 2017 should see ACA repealed. States that set up exchanges now closing or not continuing theirs (still have not seen with Colorado will do, since we still have Democrat majorities), but when federal government funds all the exchanges, becomes government monopoly, and doctors are leaving practices, or combining with others, at higher costs. No way can this sustain itself, which may be the way SCOTUS is playing the game. But I see nothing good coming from this administration rest of its time. Republicans had nothing to do with ACA passing in first place. Democrats used Reconciliation to use a prior House bill that had become moot, stripped it of name and all printed text, replaced with their title, and text for ACA, and kept it in Democratic hands entire year of 2009. Passed in December, went to Obama in Feb 2010 for signature. No additions, votes, discussion so it was a railroad job from gitgo. And Executive orders and Executive Memorandums have replaced actions by Congress.
            This was not way Constitution set up Executive, Judicial, Legislative to be, where they were equal in authority and responsibility. Read, twist, and parse all anyone wants, this is not representative government by any one, except a wannebe King, Allah, or God.

          9. Never happen. Thanks for the howde. I survived the Carter years, and the Clinton years. Have a deal with my cardiologist to do his best to keep me alive to see VAMC completed in Aurora, CO. About 60-70% completed now, Corp of Engineers taking over to complete, got enough funds to carry on until end of September (fiscal year). Now past the billion mark of spending, and only need about 600 million more. And congress is very upset with VA, but Congress has never met the needs of VA. Can check Independent Budget figures of major veteran organizations over past 20 or more years, and VA has never met needs in any of those years. So if they can’t get me down, not going to let anything else. I prefer venting, and giving others the ulcers, as I used to say in my military years. Seemed like all instructors had chalky medicine in purple bottles setting on their desks. I assigned myself into the classrooms to teach, until forced to sit at desk and do paperwork, and fudge stuff. Questioned why I did not have similar bottle on my desk, and that was my reply then. Young folks learning always inspired me. If they learned and did their work, I did not need to go back to flight line to be aggravated.

    1. Simply brilliant. “Do we want to outlaw guns so that only outlaws have guns”? Unbelievably original thinking. Why hasn’t someone come up with this earlier?.

  8. Wrong as always, gun grabber. One of your many mistakes is that your think we are not disgusted by violence. We are, and also disgusted by your transparent attempt to usurp our rights.

  9. Saw Kelly (Astronaut Husband to Arizona Legislator shot in head) on television today in Denver talking gun control and background investigations) with all the other liberal requirements to tax us. Wonder why she was in office from Arizona, and yet the state at time of her being shot, only had 200 mental cases on file in Arizona. We know there are more than that in the staff offices in Phoenix, alone. Wonder how many more have been added by doctors and hospitals since she was shot. And at time, when they retired to their ranch out of city, they bought guns, and yet traveled country to pass gun control laws. Her head wound and recovery was just as severe as PTSD of returning veterans, that they wanted added to restrictions, since Finestein wanted all veterans on restricted lists, after being in middle east. Strange how today’s liberals think. And also those who have used guns, in gun free zones, have mainly been Democrats. Wonder why? As you can see, I am confused. (Oh, that was Gabby Gifford and her husband, for the unread, non-reseachers).

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