Cryptic election rhetoric has long been the bi-partisan norm for generations.

What’s coming from the Republican team running for Colorado governor is not anything like that. 

The nation’s political system has been stricken by a growing number of politicians who flat-out lie to deceive the public. When called out by the media, they blame the messenger for being unfair and partisan. They then pump out propaganda on social media or point to dubious media reports that don’t push back on their lies, disinformation or non-answers to critical questions.

Donald Trump, a proven and convicted serial liar, impeached con and likely felon, has paved the way to a cavalcade of political deception.

Voters need look no further for proof than the gubernatorial campaign of Republican Heidi Ganahl.

Two weeks ago, Ganahl’s campaign jumped the tracks when it announced the Centennial Camp Bow Wow creator turned CU regent would tab a southeast Colorado Hispanic man as her choice for lieutenant governor, only to take it back almost the same day, and blame the media.

The following week, the Ganahl campaign jumped the shark and switched to Aurora businessman and veteran Danny Moore as a running mate.

Minutes after the announcement, it was a media dog pile to point out it was the same Danny Moore booted as chairperson of the state’s 2021 redistricting committee because he’d made repeated social media posts indicating he was an unequivocal Trump election denier.

Despite nearly every media outlet in the state pointing it out, both Ganahl and Moore refused to talk with reporters to address it. 

Instead, a few days later, they appeared at an Aurora bar to introduce Moore to the public, never mentioning the denier-conundrum. They then refused to take questions from reporters, saying they were too busy.

Days later, Moore penned an essay for the Colorado Springs Gazette, accusing the media of “liberal bias” in focusing on the flap, which he dismisses as a non-story.

The local media “continuously ask questions meant to divide and distract us, like gratuitous questions about whether the last election was stolen.”

“Stolen” was almost the word Moore used in a Facebook post last year.

On Jan. 29, 2021, Moore said about Biden, “This is the guy elected by the Democrat steal,” according to 9News.

Words matter, especially when you repeat them, even if you erase and later deny them or try to explain them away from the public’s attention.

Rather than step forward and take the messages back as a moment of instability or astounding folly, Moore goes on in his essay to say maybe he doesn’t think the election was stolen, but maybe he does.

Moore said Facebook helped liberals during the election, even though he ignores a tsunami of lies and disinformation Trump allies pumped through hundreds of millions of Facebook feeds.

“And the judicial system allowing Democratic operatives to make massive last-minute changes to voting laws in various key states that were not prepared to handle mail-in balloting,” Moore writes.

Only election deniers peddle this debunked disinformation.

Moore says he’s not really an election denier, but then he trots out one of the most often shared and repeatedly debunked election denier tropes on Facebook. It’s a lie regularly performed during the traveling Trump shows and still repeatedly retold among those still supporting the Trump-Giuliani exploits.

And, Moore says in his Gazette column, he will continue to refuse to answer media questions about his worrisome election-denier problem.

Partisan operatives defend Moore’s vacuous obstinance and go on to say, no one cares about a lieutenant governor anyway because they just while away four years in obscurity.

That wasn’t the case when GOP Colorado Lt. Gov. John Vanderhoof was elevated to governor after then Gov. John Love was handed a cabinet position in the Nixon administration.

More important is why Ganahl would choose and then defend a running mate with such a debilitating stain on his political credibility. 

Ganahl may or may not have some compelling policy points and differences with the current Polis administration that the public would benefit from exploring. But with a campaign that can’t get past its shadowy alliance and worrisome allegiance to dark, criminal forces from Trumpers, leading the once-solid Republican Party off the edge of insanity, these two only self-cancel their legitimacy.

Ganahl and Moore behave like amateur liars who underestimate Colorado voters’ ability to get that.

Being an election denier isn’t like embracing some kind of quirky party philosophy.

As elected or appointed government officials, they are fatal to American democracy and the rule of law. These deniers are as toxic to the most fundamental parts of American government as fascists were to democracies that were destroyed in Europe.

Despite what Moore insists, there were no legitimate questions about the credibility of the 2020 election held here in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, Georgia or any other state that Trump’s sordid nightmare earnestly tried to run coups.

That verifiable fact is acknowledged and regularly repeated by courts and officials Trump himself appointed and once trusted until they refused to lie for him.

The problem is not a partisan press, soft on liberals. The Sentinel, among many others, have taken great exception to positions, statements and ambiguities from Gov. Jared Polis and his administration since elected. Most recently, Polis and fellow Colorado Democrats were clobbered with media criticism for hyping state tax refunds made possible by a state anti-tax system they have for decades been harshly critical of.   

The questions of Ganahl and Moore being election deniers, or slyly winking at them, is not a “gratuitous” query that all but complicit Colorado media are obsessed with.

It’s a deal breaker, just as the tenants of European fascism were in the 1930s, which voters there tragically ignored.

Until Ganahl and Moore quit ignoring or sidestepping this fatal flaw, voters would be wise to ignore them as credible candidates for this or any office. 


11 replies on “EDITORIAL: Ganahl and Moore can’t run from the media to dodge election denier questions, and run for governor, too”

  1. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Say it louder for the people in the back!

  2. As the election gets closer toxic election deniers realize the stink from their lies doesn’t sell to most people, so they tell another lie to win broader support. We can’t let deniers get by with this nonsense. If they refuse to answer questions about their campaign statements we shouldn’t think that they are somehow bucking horrible questions from “liberal” news outlets. They are simply avoiding answering an inconvenient question from legitimate local news that they just don’t want to acknowledge. Stop vilifying journalists! If they don’t ask, who will?

    1. Again, it’s obvious you’ve never even attempted to gather the facts from the other side and continue to swallow whole the MSM narrative. Imagine if things were entirely flipped. Folks that pay attention are now aware that the MSM is the propaganda tool for the democrats. Had the GOP, MSM and social media done the same to the democrats that they obvious did during the 2020 election, what would you be saying? Several democrat members of the “kangaroo court” Jan 6th hearing were deniers of the 2000 and 2016 elections. I would ask you to wake up, but that would be useless…..another wired liberal.

      1. I am not a liberal; however, I recognize that the party of candidates I used to vote for has lost the principles it once adhered to in order to lie and worship at the feet of a grifter. There is no way I can consider election deniers legitimate candidates!

  3. Well said! Words, and the notions that foment them, do indeed count, especially when their speaker has a captive audience eager to believe and act on them. There are actually folks right here in our state whose very lives hinge on the words coming out of the mouths of election deniers, even though deep down, they know the truth. They are set to unleash themselves, in all their dishonesty, to defeat those damned liberals, no matter what lie it takes.

    1. How can you reconcile democrats funding the campaign of these election deniers? Aren’t they the most dangerous threat to democracy we’ve seen? How can they risk the country like this? I mean I’m sure you can reconcile just about anything with your logic, but I would like to see.

      1. I’ll make it real simple for you: these election deniers and the people who support them are fascists and an incredible danger to our democratic republic. Democratic party halfwits who spent a red cent trying to prop these lunatics up learned nothing from this same strategy backfiring on them with Trump and deserve to be launched into the sun along with the fascists.

  4. Left wing imbeciles who comment with no clue nor soul following a newspaper that is really only an advertisement for left wing politicians. I’ve had all the fun I can take inspiring you to make hateful comments about conservatives. Last chance. Goodbye.

    Will not apply to Aurora Socialists on City Council. In that regard, I will not rest until the four of them resign or are voted out of office.

  5. Same old diatribe from the leftist, socialist, communist editorial board. Don’t recall you guys saying the same thing when is was the democrats who were deniers of the 2000 and 2016 elections. I’m sure you’ll never view “2000 Mules” or any other documentary that counters your narrative. It’s your was or the highway…..I get it! Damn free speech and right to disagree with the democrats and their minion friends. I do get a kick out of reading your diatribes. Believe it helps my mental health and keeps my blood pressure up. Again, it’s obvious you’re wired the way you are and no amount of facts will change your narrative / opinion etc….. That’s OK as long as the reader is aware of your propaganda efforts.

    1. The problem with the GOP since 2016 is that they’ve taken the stance that the “right to disagree” means they can ignore facts and just say whatever they want. But your beliefs don’t make something true.

      1. Holy cow! Only GOP folks are stupid and can’t figure out what the facts are. How do you explain the latest facts on the “Russian collusion” stories that dominated the MSM from 2016-today, whereby even the MSM is beginning to acknowledge that they were all fake, lies, and part of the DNC and Hillary’s plan to get Trump removed from office. Oh wait…’ve already forgotten about that.

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