DENVER | Colorado U.S. Senate candidate Darryl Glenn touched on race issues and pledged his support for law enforcement before taking a swipe at Hillary Clinton during a speech at the Republican National Convention.

The El Paso County commissioner, who is black, called President Barack Obama the “Divider in Chief” and told the crowd Monday night that the country is more racially divided now than when Obama ran for office. He added that Obama’s rhetoric has a direct effect on relationships between communities and police.

Referring to Clinton, Glenn said, “We all know she loves her pantsuits … but we should send her an email and tell her that she deserves a bright orange jumpsuit.”

Glenn is challenging incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet, and he’s a strong supporter of Donald Trump.

Rick Palacio, chair of the Colorado Democratic Party, said that Glenn’s speech was a “double-down” on Trump’s agenda on the same night that Colorado delegates were part of an effort to upend the nomination of Trump.

Tonight Glenn showed us exactly the type of senator he’s always professed he would be – unapologetic in his extreme conservative views and unwilling to compromise in order to get anything done for the people of Colorado,” Palacio said in prepared remarks. “Michael Bennet has a track record of working with anyone in order to get things done for Coloradans, while Darryl Glenn would clearly be a senator that makes Washington even more dysfunctional.”