Jason Crow, Democratic candidate for Congress in the 6th Congressional District. Photo by Sara Hertwig/Aurora Sentinel

AURORA | One recent poll has Democrat Jason Crow up five points over 6th Congressional District GOP incumbent Mike Coffman.

The poll, commissioned by progressive group End Citizens United, puts Crow ahead at 44 percent and Coffman at 39 percent. According to Public Policy Polling, which surveyed 751 voters in the district, 16 percent said they were undecided when asked “if the candidates in the election for US House this fall were Republican Congressman Mike Coffman and Democrat Jason Crow.”

ECU put Coffman on its Big Money 20 target list for 2018 midterms earlier this year for his connection to the gun lobby.

Crow is facing fellow Democrats Levi Tillemann and David Aarestad for the Democratic nomination.