DENVER | A mother black bear swiped at a Steamboat Springs hiker Tuesday, sending them to the ground where they got scrapes on their arms but were able to finish their walk before getting first aid, according to a statement from Colorado Parks and Wildlife.

After the attack in Steamboat Springs, a ski resort and mining town about three hours northwest of Denver, Wildlife officials trapped the bear and two of three cubs Wednesday afternoon.

The sow was “humanely euthanized” and the cubs released per policy, the agency said, adding that the yearling cubs are no longer dependent on their mother to find food and fend for themselves.

The hiker said they had seen a cub in the area before being getting knocked to the ground from behind.

Wildlife officials wrote: “If you see a bear don’t run. Stand still, stay calm, and slowly back away until the bear is out of sight. If you see cubs, their mother is usually close by. Leave the area immediately to give them space.”

Steamboat Springs, nestled in the Rocky Mountains, is known for it’s bear activity.

Two years ago, a Colorado man awoke to a roughly 400-pound (181-kilogram) bear rummaging through some dog food in his home. The man grabbed and gun and shot the bear until it collapsed and died.

Bedayn is a corps member for the Associated Press/Report for America Statehouse News Initiative. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.

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1 Comment

  1. There is no reason that that mama bear should have been killed. It absolutely makes me want to vomit. She was protecting her family. Our DOW and CPW folks are way too anxious to do kill these animals when they are only protecting their offspring. Or hungry.🤬🤬🤬🤬

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