Mayumi Johnson believes in getting involved in as much as possible and it’s hard to find something at Aurora Central High School that she doesn’t have a part in.

Athletically, the well-rounded 16-year-old junior played volleyball as a sophomore, made her debut with the swim team this past winter and is standing out on the track for a third season. Johnson finished in the top seven in the 100-, 200- and 400-meter dashes and the long jump at the 56th Robert F. Caviness Invitational on April 21, accounting for 14 of the Trojans’ 20 total points.

Johnson, who has a 3.67 GPA, is also involved in a variety of Aurora Central’s student leadership organizations. She is looking to stay in state for college after graduation.

What is your favorite high school memory, athletically or otherwise?

It would have to be all the activities I do at school (Leadership, Track & Field, Swimming, Link Crew) there’s been ups and downs with track but that’s one of my greatest memories in high school, especially the ice cream on Fridays 🙂 I barely started swimming this year but it was really fun! They all got me to meet a lot of new people and stay involved at my school and when you’re in high school nothing gets better than that! Its a good memory to know you’re involved and have things to push yourself and have strive for.

What is the biggest sacrifice you have to make to play your sport?

A job! Haha. It’s really hard to figure out times you’re available for applications. And for me, track is my number one so when I fill out applications the time is a little goofy. And like most of the other athletes probably said… I sacrifice sleeping in on Saturdays!!! But it’s definitely worth it, I mean what else do I have to do in the morning?

What’s the best piece of advice ever given to you in sports or in life?

A teacher once told me that once you quit it’s hard to break that habit, and the easier it gets for you to quit, so never just give up on something that’s a little too hard for you; just push yourself. I remember my freshmen year, first high school varsity track meet I was really nervous, I saw how fast the other girls were, and one of my coaches told me to just not worry; that my race wasn’t going to be on TV or in the newspaper, that it wasn’t going to be broadcast to the world and to just relax because I had three more years and a ton more races; he told me to just go out and run my race. Ironic now that I’m asked questions for the Aurora Sentinel.

Are you a leader? If so, what do you think makes a good leader in yourself or others?

Yes, I’m a good leader. I am because I’m able to say that I’m a leader and that I also know when to follow. I’ve encouraged others and others have encouraged me. I’ve pushed people and I let people push me. And in everybody they’re a leader in someway and I know there’s a leader in me.

If you listen to music before a game, what gets you most ready for competition? If not, how do you get focused?

I don’t listen to music actually because you can’t have electronics on the field, but a way I get focused is I rant a little to myself, a coach, or teammate. Saying ‘this is my race,’ ‘I can do it,’ ‘I got this,’ little things.

What’s a sport you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t and why haven’t you?

I’ve always wanted to try softball just because I think I would be good at getting to the bases quick. But I’m a terrible thrower and catcher.

Do you have any quirks or superstitions when it comes to your sport or in life in general?

I like being in Lane 5. I know it’s not the fastest lane or anything it just feels right or just anything involving the numbers 5, 7, or 10 kind of get me going. My track suit is also number five. Also, 2 years ago one of my teammates told me she gets nervous a day BEFORE the track meet so now I get all my nervousness out the day before so the next day I got my race in the bag. I can’t really think of anything else, I’m sure there’s a couple I just don’t notice.

If you could pick a person living or dead to spend a day with, who would it be and why?

(Olympic speedskater) Apolo Ohno. He’s a great athlete and just handsome! It would also be interesting to know how he trains and gets his mind set for speedskating because to me in a way it has a comparison with track.

Other than sports, do you have another true passion in life and if so, what is it and why?

Another true passion would have to be zoology. I love animals! Just being around them, knowing how they work and taking care of them is a good feeling. Nothing says cute like a new born tiger.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

Well if I don’t stay with track, I’ll probably fall into something that involves athletics, maybe being a coach or P.E. teacher or trainer. Or something animal related.

Reach Sports Editor Courtney Oakes at or 303-750-7555

Courtney Oakes is Sports Editor and photographer with Sentinel Colorado. A Denver East High School and University of Colorado alum. He came to the Sentinel in 2001 and since then has received a number...