QUID HAS HEARD that it’s probably going to cost the city more rather than less to collect the nasty properties at the nasty Regatta Plaza Ghetto-Lot so they can tear everything down and build something, anything, new. Seems the redevelopment plan — for what has become not just an eyesore, but an eye-bola plague of pot holes, broken windows and garbage — has stalled. A couple of property owners are holding out for more cash, the city is now looking at condemning their messes and forcing them to sell. No matter how you look at it, this is going to cost the city money, which comes from your pocket, not Donald Trump’s. Quid knows a way to make some cash and get Aurora in the spirit of scuttling this derelict. To start, for $100, you can throw all the bricks, dead squirrels and political yard signs into Regatta windows you can carry. For $500 a person, you can take part in the Molotov cocktail throw, held on one of the stand-alone buildings with some proceeds benefiting the fire department. Quid will expense that one back the newsroom. But for $1,000 a person, you get to drive a big-bully-dozer right into the side of that squalor, yelling “Red light cameras are next.” If anyone cares to sponsor Quid for that service, your faithful hack is at your disposal.

AND QUID HAS HEARD things are looking up for the Bush clan as of late. Seems that latest presidential runner Jeb! (the exclamation point is for, “Stop asking me to explain my stance on anchor babies!’) had his well-funded campaign make another pit stop in Colorado. The stumping came even though our GOP caucusers won’t be polled on their pick for POTUS come this spring — it’s a move that jilted former state party chair Ryan Call said takes the Centennial State off the map when it comes to picking the standard bearer prior to the big convention in Cleveland. Undaunted, Jeb! had himself a town hall meeting at a local VFW hall and made it clear he supports getting Aurora’s cost-uncontrollable VA hospital built. While Jeb! went as far as to deem the project “an unmitigated disaster,” Quid knows that this is a step in a right direction for La Famiglia Bush. The last one to set up shop at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. likely would have unfurled a ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner over the construction site shortly after groundbreaking, while Padre George H.W. was known for getting into messes with our soldiers and not really finishing the job. A big shoutout to Jeb! for making it clear he won’t let the VA built become Aurora’s Iraq.