Arman Vartanyan watches over the proteins being cooked for the orders being sold by House of Bread, Sept. 9 during the Taste of the Middle East at the Aurora Municipal Center. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado

AURORA | Coming from the grills or the hookah lounge, clouds of flavorful smoke wafted over the crowds this weekend during The Taste of the Middle East. 

Karishma Ramadi works on a Henna tattoo on the hand of a festival goer, Sept. 9 during the Taste of the Middle East at the Aurora Municipal Center. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado

The festival brought hundreds of people to sample a melange of delicious food from a bevy of vendors, traditional wares and goods being sold by local artisans and cultural dances and music of the region, Sept. 9 at the Aurora Municipal Center. 

Trays of Baklava and other Middle Eastern sweets lay in wait to be indulged upon by festival goers, Sept. 9 during the Taste of the Middle East at the Aurora Municipal Center. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado

Festival goers were also treated to a hookah lounge, Henna tattoo artists, kids games on the Great Lawn and even the opportunity to be willingly mocked by caricature artists.  

Andrew Nagib replaces the coals in a hookah, Sept. 9 during the Taste of the Middle East at the Aurora Municipal Center. The hookah lounge offered samples of their varieties to help customers choose their preferred flavors. Photo by PHILIP B. POSTON/Sentinel Colorado

This celebration of food, dance, music and culture celebrated its fourth year, with it being the second year it was held in Aurora. 

— Photo Essay by Philip B. Poston, Sentinel Photo Editor

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