Editor: This election is more consequential than most years. Our country has been hijacked by politicians that are more interested in being a Senator, Congressman, School Board member, Secretary of State, or any of the offices up for election than in acting like a leader and standing for principles.

MAGA Republicans have the audacity to share their plans to dismantle Medicare, Social Security, and they’ve already been successful in taking away reproductive rights in an increasingly large portion of the country. But they are not done – they want a national ban on reproductive healthcare! There are so many consequences of pregnancy that are not remotely addressed by laws to deny women full control over their bodies. The aforementioned rights are just some of the benefits Republicans want to deny Americans if they become the majority. It is immeasurably cruel to believe that the decision to seek and find healthcare during a pregnancy is taken away from a woman in consultation with her doctor or that senior can’t count on Social Security or Medicare in the future.

Crazed myopic paranoia of the radical MAGA right stands against progress! What will happen to minority rights, climate change, gun control, education, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, gay marriage, income equality, and other issues? We are not and never were to be inhibited by what the framers of the Constitution believed in their lifetime, rather we are given a set of reasonable freedoms from which to develop new laws that extend, not limit, democracy! We don’t become better by holding someone else down! The balance is to find laws that allow personal freedoms to the extent that they do not infringe on others’ personal freedoms. If you believe in this kind of freedom, please join me in voting a STRAIGHT BALLOT OF DEMOCRAT UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT. Our local and national freedoms depend upon it more now than ever.

Michael Moore, via letters@sentinelcolorado.com

One reply on “LETTERS: MAGA Republicans aren’t done with stripping away rights”

  1. What does a MAGA look like? We could post photos of them online and everyone could shun them and then we could have a public stoning like the old days. It sounds like these Magas are responsible for dang near everything, what exactly are the Democrats responsible for?

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