DENVER | The Colorado State Patrol says the number of people reporting road rage incidents has jumped sharply over the past eight years because of crowded highways, construction detours and a state program urging drivers to report offenders.

Last year, more than 65,000 people reported road rage incidents, the largest number of calls since 2007.

A signed column by Aurora Sentinel Editor Dave Perry pointed out that once a driver gets three complaints, they are sent a letter warning them to stop. At five complaints, they get a visit from a trooper.

The state patrol says fines for aggressive driving range from $300 and up.


Information from: KMGH-TV,

3 replies on “Colorado road rage reports rising”

  1. Hopefully points against aggressive drivers match the fine. Twelve points would be good for starters.

    Aggressive drivers wouldn’t dream of cutting off a state trooper in his marked cruiser on the freeway but have no problem cutting in front of the average driver endangering everyone around them. Get them off the highways in my opinion.

    Revoke their driving privileges and throw away the key.

    1. ⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖



      Start worrking with google & make 693.2_usd_daily…….
      for work details
      find out here




  2. I-225 is starting to get pretty crazy at odd hours. The rush hour crowd seems to still be sane. Last week at 7:30 I was going 60 or so in the slow lane. A small red truck came behind me and must have been doing a 100mph. He was trying to pass on the right, endangering everyone around us. As unsettling as it was its nice to know we are going to have a heavy snow this year and many like him will be wiped off the road, I hate that they will probably take innocent drivers down with them.

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